var str = We Are Called to Be the Light|St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School

We Are Called to Be the Light

We Are Called to Be the Light

10 Apr, 2024

The Liturgy of the Light is a joyful celebration of the Easter Season for our PK2-2nd grade students.   Following the format of the Easter Vigil, students light the Paschal candle, sing hymns, and listen to readings from Holy Scripture.

The Liturgy of Light is a beautiful illustration of how we are each called to be the light of Christ to the world. Led by SAA-SDS Catechesis Coordinator Loretta Martin, the students first listen to the story of the Resurrection and hear that Christ came to be the light of the world. Just as Christ shared His light with us, the students learn that it is our responsibility to share that light with others.

During the liturgy each child receives an individual candle lit from the Paschal candle.

“The actual act of ‘sharing the light’ is often the most meaningful part of the celebration for the children,” said Mrs. Martin. “In this way, each child is a participant in sharing the light of Christ and helping it to grow. They watch together as the light grows brighter with each added candle.”

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Recognizing that spiritual growth begins at a very young age, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd provides the children a quiet, prayerful time, with the goal of nurturing each child’s already present relationship with God. It is a retreat-like environment, where Mrs. Martin asks questions that ignite her students’ curiosity.

This Liturgy is particularly special for the oldest participants, our second graders. SAA teacher Mrs. Beth Barker shared, “Lighting the candle reminds us of our baptism and that we are all children of God. Making our first communion in tandem with this gives the girls the opportunity to remember that Jesus gave his life to save us.”

As we move forth from this Easter season, may we, together with the students, reflect on God’s blessings and continue to celebrate with joy the light of Christ.


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