Olivia Ashbery, St. Agnes Academy Class of 2020

What is your favorite thing about SAA?
My favorite thing about SAA is the ability to express myself in every way whether it is academically or socially.
Why did you choose SAA?
My parents enrolled me at SAA when I was three years old because they wanted me to be surrounded by people who would help me grow in my faith.
What activities are you involved in at SAA?
At SAA I am involved in numerous clubs such as Beta Club, Pep Club, Stars for Life Club, Paws for Purpose Club, French Club, and Forever Friends Club. Through these clubs, I am able to express my love for SAA, my desire to help people in need around the Memphis area, advocate for life, and further my education. I am very thankful for the wonderful clubs that SAA has to offer, and I feel that every student can find their place here.
How do the teacher make learning meaningful?
The teachers at SAA make learning exciting by allowing the students to be hands-on in the classroom, whether it is done with new activities or incorporating technology into the lesson. The teachers make learning meaningful because they elaborate on how important education is to our lives.
How would you describe the classroom environment at SAA?
Whenever I walk into the classroom, I feel a since of comfort, and I know that my teachers are willing and able to teach me and that they will be able to help me in any way that I need.
What is your favorite St. Agnes tradition?
My favorite St. Agnes tradition is Spirit Week because during this time with my classmates, we get to share in our love for the school, and it allows us to grow in our sisterhood.
How do the Dominican Pillars of Study, Prayer, Community and Service impact life at SAA and what do they mean to you?
The Dominican is Pillars are the foundation of everything that we do at school, and they give us direction when making decisions inside and outside the classroom. The Pillars are also the base of my life because of the way SAA has impacted me as I have become a young woman. I feel as though the Pillars will remain a central part of my life even after my years are over on campus.
What service activities have you been involved in?
One of my main service activities has been volunteering at Madonna Day School. I have been truly inspired by the pure appreciation for life these children exhibit every day. If I go there feeling down, I always leave feeling uplifted.
What do you enjoy most about doing community service?
I enjoy doing community service because it is a way to give back to my community, and it helps me see how God works in everyone’s lives.