Meet the Class of 2023 Miss St. Agnes Court
The Class of 2023 Miss St. Agnes COurt (L to R): Ava Rose Whidden, Maye Edwards, Olivia Sicuro, Caroline Weems, Paige Jerit and Ellie Schubert.
08 Feb, 2023
The Class of 2023 Miss St. Agnes Court
On Saturday, February 25, we will hold the annual Miss St. Agnes dance at the Memphis Botanic Gardens. At the dance, the member of the Class of 2023 that has been chosen as Miss St. Agnes will be announced.
Miss St. Agnes is a special honor bestowed annually since 1946 on a senior who has been nominated by her classmates and voted on by the student body. The nominees for this honor exhibit personal qualities that reflect integrity, strength of character, and respect for self and others, as well as a devotion to St. Agnes Academy that is exemplified by leadership and support for the school.
Congratulations to all the young ladies who have been nominated to the 2023 Miss St. Agnes Court: Maye Edwards, Paige Jerit, Ellie Schubert, Olivia Sicuro, Caroline Weems and Ava Rose Whidden.
Maye Edwards
A St. Agnes Star since 9th grade, Maye has served SAA as an FSO Peer Mentor, a Student Ambassador, and a Retreat Leader. She volunteers countless hours in our athletic department concession stand and was a voluntary participant in the SEL advisory pilot program. Maye currently serves as President of Angels Among the Stars, a community service organization, and participates in several other clubs including Book Club, Culinary Club and Eco Stars. Maye has been named a Caroline Conrad Spirit Award winner and a St. Catherine of Siena Award winner for commitment to service and dedication to upholding the Dominican Pillars. She is a member of the National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta, the math honor society.
Paige Jerit
Paige came to St. Agnes in Pre-Kindergarten and is recognized as an outstanding member of our Theatre Department, performing in and/or directing nine productions over her four years in the Upper School. Her passion and talent in the area of fine arts is further evidenced by her participation in our Music Department ensembles Ladies First and Starlettes, by her work as Lead Editor of Calliope, SAA’s award-winning literary magazine, and by the visual arts awards she has received. Paige has served the school as an FSO Peer Mentor, a Retreat Leader, and a counselor in our summer theatre camps. She participates in Youth in Government and is currently participating as an officer. Paige was named an AP scholar and is a member of the National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and the Thespian Society.
Ellie Schubert
Ellie has been a member of the St. Agnes family since 5th grade. She has served her fellow students in some capacity for all four years of high school-first as a Class Officer for three years (Public Relations) and now as SGA Commissioner of Publicity. Ellie has served SAA as an FSO Peer Mentor and as a member of the G2(“Go to”) Tech Crew. She is often seen taking photos at events, and she uses her skills not only in the SGA, but also as Head of Photography for the Upper School Yearbook. She is a member of the varsity swim team and the SAA-CBHS varsity cheer team, where she also shares her PR skills serving as Marketing Manager for the team. She is the President and Co-founder of Eco Stars, an FSO Peer Mentor, and a member of both the National Honor Society and the English Honor Society, as well as the National Beta Club.
Olivia Sicuro
Olivia has been at St. Agnes since Pre-Kindergarten. She is an accomplished ballet dancer and artist, winning multiple awards in the visual arts. Olivia currently serves as the Literary Editor of our award-winning literary magazine, Calliope. She is a member of the National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and the National Beta Club. She has served as a class officer for two years, currently holding the position of Vice-President for the Class of 2023. Olivia serves the school as a member of the Liturgical Choir and Retreat Leader. She has a variety of interests, evidenced by her participation in clubs such as Eco Stars, Latin Club, Forever Friends and Key Club.
Caroline Weems
Caroline became a St. Agnes Star in 3rd grade. She is currently serving her second year as Class President and is involved in supporting SAA as a Peer Mentor and a tutor in the Learning Lab She is a dedicated student and was named an AP Scholar with Honor last fall. She is a member of numerous academic honor societies to include the National Honor Society, Social Studies Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and English Honor Society. She is an active member of many clubs, including Forever Friends, Key Club, Eco Stars and Book Club. In 2022, she was awarded the Caroline Conrad Spirit Award. A decorated athlete, Caroline was the State Champion in Pole Vault for 2022, was named the Jim Mathis Track and Field MVP, and the James Lassandrello Pursuit of Excellence Award winner.
Ava Rose Whidden
Ava Rose came to St. Agnes in 9th grade and quickly became a “spirited” leader, serving her class as Spirit Week Coordinator, and participating in Pep Club all four years. She currently serves as Pep Club president and was awarded the Caroline Conrad Spirit Award in 2021. She is a member of the National Honor Society as well as the English and Spanish Honor Societies. Ava Rose is an active member of various clubs, to include Angels Among the Stars, Forever Friends, and Key Club. She is a member of the SAA-CBHS varsity cheer team, which is currently headed to the National Championship. Ava Rose has served SAA as a Star Guide, FSO Peer Mentor Coordinator, and Retreat Leader. She is actively involved in the SEARCH peer-led retreat program, acting as a Table Leader and Co-Director this year.
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